Camiguin Rentacar2019-01-30T12:34:32+00:00

car rental camiguin camiguin car rental

Camiguin Car Rental

Car Rental Camiguin Camiguin car rental. That’s enough of the SEO pandering.

Savor Camiguin, Rent a Car

Camiguin is an island that demands exploration as well as a bit of savoring.  So often, guests rent a tour-guide driven open air multicab and destination hop, at high speeds, determined to “see it all”  and shoot thousands of pictures and take almost no time to appreciate the island itself. 

We think Camiguin is best enjoyed at a slower pace and  frankly many of our best spots are not even destinations at all.  Once you tap into the feel of the island, you’ll find the the things that appeal the most to you. And one of the best ways to do that is to have your own wheels that can get you around safely and in reasonable comfort.

Why a car?

We like to ride motorbikes too, but if you have more than a few people, renting a car starts to make sense. And even if you are good motorbike driver, Camiguin is not always an place to ride. Much of what is interesting about the island is uphill and often over rough roads, to say nothing of the danger of  our free-wheeling dogs on every road. Too many tourists leave the island with unwanted souvenirs on their bodies ( usually on the lower legs )  and unless you’re a competent motor biker, you should strongly consider a car instead.

That’s why we offer licensed drivers the opportunity to rent and self-drive the Guerrera 2019 Toyota Wigo ( also known as Khabib), for the day.  Khabib is not the biggest vehicle , but there is enough room for 5 ,  it’s so easy to drive, and can get you anywhere you want to go on the island. There is also a phone with a GPS guided map application so you can self-navigate and be your own tour guide…really easily.


2000 php (24 hrs,), return with same amount of unleaded gas


  • 2000 php security deposit
  • Valid drivers’ license

Ready to book?: Contact us at 

or visit for more details.