About this menu:
The following menu is available for Dine in, Take out or Delivery (there is a delivery fee within Mambajao). There are always several specials not displayed here and you may call the restaurant at 970 444-1477 to see what’s cooking today. Chef’s Jay and Cha are running all Guerrera operations for the foreseeable future while Chef Carmel is abroad . Keep in mind we add/subtract menu items based on availability and with seasonal availability and those changes may not be reflected here.
ask for our daily dessert specials.
Hours of operation :
Dine in/take-out hours are 11:30 am-2pm and 4pm to 9pm.
Delivery hours are 12 noon to 8pm.
Last order for dine in or delivery is 8pm.
We are open 6 days a week. CLOSED TUESDAYS.
Contact: Please call (63) 970-444-1470 to place an order.
Special orders: if there is a dish we served previously but is not currently being offered, you may request it and we will do our best to fulfill on the spot or in the future. Thank you!