on the road again

//on the road again

on the road again

                                                Mr. Pocket log


September 4, 2020

Woke up at the ambitious hour of 630 and steadily got the last remnants packed into mr. pocket and we were on the road by 8am. It was of course hard to say goodbye to mom and ray, but this day was coming for some time and we had some recent practice with miles. After all the preparation over the past month or so, and new items going into the car every few days, the car was definitely starting to look bulkier…but the moment we backed out of 9407 carnaby drive, there was no doubt that the added weight had not crippled the miraculous mr pocket..the machine that would be our home for the next few months. We played ‘happiness’ as we got going, of course,at it had been the anthem since march, when all of this madness really started, back in the philippines, back before the pandemic.

We made it to talahasee by 2pm with few issues , other than the usual highway antics by pickup trucks playing dukes of hazzard or merging trucks who could really care less if you were out of the way.

Had a good bite to eat at Madison social, across from doak cambell stadium, home of the unconquerable seminoles.The area was far more condo-cute that I expected. The campus was also more red brick ivy than expected, is this really the alma mater of burt reynolds?

We skipped the 1-10 rest stop, our planned night 1 overnighter, for pat thomas camp ground, about 10 miles off the highway. For 8 dollars we were able to park under some nice pine trees, pitch our tent, make a fire and have all the bugs and heat we could ever want.




By |2020-09-07T18:23:39+00:00September 7th, 2020|mr pocket|5 Comments